Seasonal Living: Winter’s Renewal and Regeneration

In case you prefer to be read to more than to read, I offer you this video of me simply reading this post word for word. You can play it as background noise while busying yourself with a task, much as you might a podcast. Or, you can read it below. “Plants and animals don’t…

Video: Morning routines that work.

Here are three oh-so-simple habits you can form or reinforce for yourself and your family that help you start living well from the moment you rise—and help carry you successfully through the day. 1. Make your bed first thing in the morning—no excuses. Insist your children do the same. 2. Savor your hot coffee (or…

Video: Making a vision board

As I have mentioned, our family has a tradition of making dream or vision boards every new year. These contain our hopes, dreams, and motivation for the year ahead. A few of you have messaged me to ask me how you can make one yourself. Here, I talk about the process and why it works…

Video: On anger and authenticity

Happy New Year! In the spirit of one of my main New Year’s resolutions to open my doors and welcome you (with the lights on) into my work-in-progress home and life, I welcome you to join me in a discussion about anger and authenticity. Does any of this resonate? Do the competing themes of kindness…

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year, friends! Wishing you all good things and new friendships and connections in the next iteration of the Roaring Twenties! Let’s come ALIVE and tackle our dreams, let’s be who we were meant to be, let’s support and love each other and arrive to each day with a sense of wonder and curiosity….

One Day: Days Three and Four

This is part three of a 5-day series this week as I follow a 5-day reset journey toward happiness using One Day thinking, rather than Someday thinking. Join me, even if it’s just quietly reading and watching me as I go through the steps. Or, share your stories of inspiration and failure to help us all move…

One Day: Day Two.

This is part two of a 5-day series this week as I follow a 5-day reset journey toward happiness using One Day thinking, rather than Someday thinking. Join me, even if it’s just quietly reading and watching me as I go through the steps. Or, share your stories of inspiration and failure to help us…

One day.

One day. This phrase is circling in my mind. One day. I went for a four-mile walk this morning with my dog and my phone, and unpacked my various heavy thoughts, one by one, to my best friend from college who lives far away and therefore cannot drop by for a cup of tea and…

Motivation. For all of us. Right?

  I am a big believer in our mind’s susceptibility to messages–positive and negative. We all have an inner demon and an inner angel–the voice that suppresses our innate strength, or the voice that lifts us up. We all know that if we listen to the wrong voice, as we are all apt to do…