A long time.

(This post was started in June. I picked it up again in July, and now in August.) Hello. It’s nice to see you. I’ve really missed you. 🙂 I have taken over a year off from this blog and nearly as long from my Instagram and Facebooks accounts, but it hasn’t been easy–not by a…

Why I write.

Hello. That is why. Hello. I write to mark the time and to reach out. I write because when I am behind a screen you’re not looking at me and your quiet reading of my words might change you for the better. We need each other now more than ever. And I really mean that….

Seasonal Living: Winter’s Renewal and Regeneration

In case you prefer to be read to more than to read, I offer you this video of me simply reading this post word for word. You can play it as background noise while busying yourself with a task, much as you might a podcast. Or, you can read it below. “Plants and animals don’t…

A list for Autumn.

Hello, Autumn. Bright lights fading fast, blown hither and nigh. Twisted tale, simple sail, birth to end, a diecast in the green. Some mornings I lie in bed and can’t get up, the window shades close and tight, the sheets so cozy and warm, the day ahead unclear, a feeling it won’t go right, my…

Sometimes in the night

Sometimes in the night I awake with my heart pounding, a flurry of worries: Did I remember to pay the earthquake insurance? Did I shut the gate after I wandered over to visit the blackberry blossoms…or have the deer now nibbled all my broccoli down to nubs? What about that thing my daughter asked earlier,…

How To Grow Tomatoes to Feed You & Your Family For a Year

Tomatoes are my very favorite crop to grow. I fret over them, baby them, cheer them on, and proudly serve them to friends and family as some sort of jewel in the green. As modern homesteaders on our old farm, we grow nearly all that we eat and store lots in our freezer, root cellar,…

Part 1: How to Grow Food to Feed You and Your Family for a Year

Are you interested in growing enough food to feed you and your family for a year? It has been a goal of mine for years, and it is a milestone that I am excited to share with you. For me, it’s been an incremental process. I’ve been gardening for ten years now–from a couple of…

Gluten-Free Bagel Shop (Boiled ‘n Baked) Bagels

Here they are! Gluten-free bagel shop bagels, like the ones you used to buy. 🥯 Remember those? Recipe below made up happily in my kitchen over the last couple of days. 🤗 But also, are you tired? I am. I’m heading into PNW bear hibernation mode and I am baking and cleaning house and filling…

Homemade Sea Salt ‘n Vinegar Kettle Chips

Give me chips over chocolate any day. Here’s an incredibly easy, ridiculously delectable way to get your kettle chip fix. The key is to use organic potatoes (non-organic potatoes are chock-full of pesticides; do your body a favor and always splurge on organic when it comes to these), and organic non-hydrogenated oil (no artery-clogging fat…